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How to choose Health Insurance? 7 keys that will help you 👩‍⚕️️

Writer's picture: Elite SegurosElite Seguros

You have decided to take out private insurance but you do not know how to choose health insurance with all the variety of offers on the market.

More and more people are taking out private health insurance to complement public services. But if you are one of those who still have doubts, keep reading this post of Elite Insurance where we will give you the keys on how to choose health insurance and this facilitate the task of choosing the one that best suits what you are looking for.

Before giving you these keys on how to choose health insurance we are going to explain briefly for those who do not have so many notions about private health, what it is, and what are the reasons why you should seriously consider having one of them.

Do you know what private health insurance is?

It is convenient that before taking out a private health insurance policy you know exactly what it is. Well, health insurance is no different from any other insurance since it works in the same way. The client accesses health coverage by paying a premium, and all the details of this coverage are detailed in the policy that the client takes out.

Why should you have private health insurance?

There are many reasons but the most important reason why people are becoming more and more encouraged to take out private insurance is the immediacy and peace of mind of being able to access certain services at any time you need. Also, being able to choose the medical center or the professional you want to be attended by are important reasons for taking out private health insurance.

What is clear is that it is an additional guarantee and, with regard to health issues, it is something to take into account.

7 keys that will help you to know how to choose a private health insurance policy

After putting ourselves in context, we are going to advise you on how to choose a health insurance policy to make it easier for you to opt for the health insurance policy that best suits your priorities. Take a look at these keys that we provide that will surely help you in your choice:

Financial solvency of the insurance company

The first thing you have to take into account to know how to choose health insurance is if the company is financially solvent and if it is specialized in the health sector.

Choosing the policy you are most interested in:

It is advisable to evaluate the conditions of the policy to make sure that it covers the services you are interested in. You also have to take into account that there are health policies that already include complements and other policies in which if you want to include some additional insurance as a complement you have to do it separately, this is the case of dental insurance.


This point is important since it deals with the benefits of the policy. And it is one of the key aspects of how to choose medical insurance since it is about the needs that you want to cover or to which you want to have faster access.

You can choose between primary care, preventive medicine, hospital surgical interventions, specialties, or emergency services, among various coverages. In addition, if you wish, you can also contract treatments, alternative medicine, psychological help, etc.

Keep in mind that the more services coverage includes, the higher the premium will be.

Another factor to take into account when choosing medical insurance is to know the exclusions of the insurance you want to hire in case it is not of your interest or does not cover most of the needs you are interested in. To avoid misunderstandings, you should declare to the insurance company if you have a disease.

Waiting Period

Knowing the waiting periods of an insurance policy is an essential factor before contracting it to avoid possible unpleasant surprises. If you have a health problem prior to taking out insurance, waiting periods are something you should be aware of.

Do you know what this term means? It means the time that elapses from the moment you take out the medical health insurance until you can use it. Not all coverages have a waiting period, but for example, in the case of insurance for pregnant women, the childbirth assistance benefit usually does. If you are reading this and you are pregnant, click on the following link to find out what is covered by insurance for pregnant women.


Finally, another factor to take into account when choosing medical insurance is co-payment. Do you know what it is? We are referring to the amount that an insured person must pay for a consultation, test, etc., that is, for a medical service.

You should know that when taking out health insurance you have the option of choosing between health insurance with or without co-payment. It all depends on the level of health you enjoy, of course, if you go to the doctor very little, the option that suits you best is the co-payment.

Have you decided to take out health insurance?

After reading this guide on how to choose a health insurance policy, we hope that you already know what you should look for before taking it out and that you will be satisfied with your health insurance policy.

However, if you need advice, please contact us and we will be happy to help you with whatever you need. To contact our health insurance agency click here.

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