When planning a trip, there are many things to consider, such as purchasing airline tickets, arranging transportation to and from the hotel, renting a good apartment, or finding a hotel with good views. However, we must not lose sight of our safety when traveling and the possibility that anything untoward will occur, causing our vacation to be disrupted. As a result, many people plan ahead of time for potential mishaps and opt for travel insurance.
This type of policy is responsible for protecting the insured while traveling against unexpected events such as flight cancellation, loss of luggage, repatriation, or medical expenses in another country, which is a critical coverage included in the majority of travel insurance policies. This type of service is responsible for covering the costs of medical, surgical, pharmaceutical, and hospitalization expenses incurred by the policyholder in the country to which he or she is traveling, in the event of an accident or illness.
For example, if an insured tourist travels to another country, becomes a victim of a terrorist attack, and requires immediate medical attention, the insurance company is responsible for covering all costs associated with diagnostic tests or hospitalization.
Medical assistance is the most often used type of coverage
According to a study conducted by ERV Europea Travel Insurance, medical assistance is the most common reason for travelers to use their travel insurance, accounting for 44 percent of all claims in 2014. These incidents were caused by medical issues and accidents that occurred on vacations, necessitating medical consultation, hospitalization, or intervention.
The most common medical issues that were reported were problems with the upper respiratory apparatus and otitis, with 28 percent of passengers requiring assistance for these reasons. On the other hand, 27 percent of those polled required medical attention after suffering fractures and injuries as a result of accidents, while 14 percent needed treatment for digestive issues such as gastroenteritis. Furthermore, infections, achy abdomen pain, and appendicitis are common ailments, with 11 percent of travelers suffering from them, while infections, dermatitis, and conjunctivitis were experienced by 10 percent of travelers with travel insurance.
What should we think about before signing a contract?
The level of protection provided by a policy is determined by the insurers. Depending on the company, it will have one or several coverages, each with its own set of economic constraints. The coverage of medical expenses usually has an established economic limit that ranges between 600 and 200.000 euros. As a result, it is critical that you rely on the maximums that have been established for the coverage of medical expenses depending on the destination to which you are traveling. A siniestro acquired in the United States, Asia, Central America, and the Caribbean will not have the same cost as a siniestro acquired in a European country where health care is more affordable.
As a result, it is critical to be aware of the expense of health care in the destination country before deciding on a policy.
Coverage requirements
When purchasing travel insurance with medical expense coverage, be sure that the country to which you are traveling is covered by the policy. Some countries may not be secure for a variety of reasons, such as being in the middle of an armed war. On the other hand, the policy may include some exclusions, such as not covering medical expenses incurred as a result of an existing illness. None of the coverages will be responsible for the costs incurred as a result of incidents caused by the consumption of alcohol or drugs.
With Elite Insurance, you can get the best travel insurance
If you're looking for a travel insurance policy that covers medical expenses in a foreign country, it's a good idea to examine the offerings of many insurance companies first. As a result, you will be able to obtain the best coverage at the best price, with the broadest economic constraints.
If you want to get the best travel insurance with global coverage, go to Elite Seguros by clicking here.