After months of confinement and social distance, many people are looking forward to the summer vacations to be able to take an international trip. Faced with the uncertainty generated by the pandemic situation in which we still find ourselves, travel insurance becomes the best ally to guarantee peace of mind in the event of any unforeseen event. Insurers have adapted their products to address the mishaps that travelers may suffer as a result of COVID-19.
The expansion of vaccines has allowed borders to reopen this summer for international travelers. Insurers have modified their traditional travel insurance offerings and have even created new products specifically focused on dealing with mishaps in the wake of COVID-19. It is therefore important to carefully review the conditions of the coverage offered by each company. These are the issues that should be especially taken into account:

In the last year and a half, we have become accustomed to canceling many plans, either because the authorities forced us to do so or because our personal circumstances changed due to the virus. This year more than ever, it is important to know the conditions under which the insurance allows you to cancel your trip. Depending on the company, it is possible that the coverage contemplates from the unilateral cancellation of the traveler without the need to give reasons, to the positive for COVID of the traveler or any of his companions, to the obligation to remain in quarantine. It is important to bear in mind that the cancellation coverage maybe for the entire trip or for any of the activities planned for the trip that, for whatever reason, cannot be carried out.
Medical assistance

The vast majority of travel insurances, with the exception of those focused only on cancellation, include health assistance coverage. It is important that we certify that this coverage includes the assistance of the COVID-19 and that the medical expenses foreseen are those necessary for our destination. There are countries, such as the United States, for example, where the cost of private health care is particularly high, so this health care coverage must include high spending limits.
Extension of stay at the destination

Travel insurance usually includes this coverage, usually for both the traveler and his/her companions in the event of hospitalization. Now, many companies have extended these conditions to include the possibility that the traveler must remain in quarantine or that the territory is closed due to a resurgence of the virus. Check if your insurance company foresees this situation and what are the maximum terms it contemplates.
Trip interruption

Just as travel insurance provides for the possibility of the traveler having to stay at the destination longer than expected, it also provides for the possibility of having to return earlier than expected. In this regard, insurers have expanded and modified the circumstances under which the traveler may avail himself of coverage to include COVID-19 related reasons as well.
Medication reimbursement

This is also a common travel insurance coverage that has now been revised to ensure that it covers needs arising from the new virus. As a traveler, you should make sure you have this coverage included, as well as how it works. Most commonly, the company will reimburse the customer after payment, but in order to do so, it is necessary, firstly, that the medication has been prescribed by health personnel and, secondly, to have informed the insurer prior to purchasing.
Expenses arising from PCR at the destination
While some travel insurance coverages have been extended, others have been newly created. This is the case with PCR tests. Some companies have contemplated the possibility that, under medical prescription, the traveler must undergo a COVID-19 diagnostic test at his vacation destination, and, in such a case, the company would pay the expenses.
Medical transfer and repatriation
There are two variants of traveler repatriation, and insurance policies that include COVID-19 coverage usually include both. The first of these occurs when the traveler has had to stay longer than planned at the destination, either due to hospitalization or quarantine. In this case, if he misses the planned means of transport for his return, the insurer arranges a new return route. The second situation in which repatriation occurs is when the traveler must return home without having recovered from his illness, i.e. in a medicalized plane.
Beyond taking out travel insurance for your own peace of mind, bear in mind that given the exceptional situation in which we find ourselves, the number of countries that require travel insurance to visit has increased. In fact, some destinations even require that health care coverage explicitly includes hospital admission and medical treatment in the case of COVID-19. For this, as we highlighted at the beginning of this post, it is important that you check on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, what are the conditions of access in the country you are going to.
Once at your destination, do not forget to check with your insurance company the best way to proceed in case of an unforeseen event. They will tell you the steps to follow at all times.
Find more information about travel insurance at Elite Seguros by Clicking Here. Learn about our coverage and request your free quote today!
